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Punjabi Diet Plan for Weight Gain

Makki di roti, sarson da saag; butter chicken and garlic naan; how can Punjabi food be complete without a tandoori naan?This 1200 Calorie Punjabi Diet Plan for Weight Loss can certainly accommodate these items but with variations and modifications.  Most Punjabis would agree with me when I say that Punjabis are the real foodies. Punjabis love food, they talk about food , and they dream food. Actually, they are not to blame; there are so many delectable dishes that tempt us immensely. Also, they just need a reason to celebrate and indulge. Punjabis love their life king size. They just like to eat and drink and be merry.

1200 Calorie Punjabi Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Image : Copyright: premiumstock / 123RF Stock Photo

Punjabis show their love to their near and dear ones by feeding them paranthas dripping with ghee, curries which have a layer of ghee on top and sumptuous fried aloo tikkis, pakoras and other snacks. Well, that's the reason why Punjabis find it difficult to stay in shape! Well, This 1200 Calorie Punjabi Diet Plan for Weight Loss will help you do just that.

You really need to think about your health. It's ok to eat the above foods once in a while and not the other way round. If we keep on eating such fattening foods every day, not only will we become as fat as a golgappa but also deteriorate our health. Most of us have a sedentary lifestyle and we cannot digest all that ghee as our ancestors did. Our ancestors used to live in the villages and in spite of eating all those fats, they were healthy. There was a lot of manual work to do. They did not have machines for everything.

So, the bottom line is that when we don't do as much work, our body also doesn't require as much food. If we eat excess fats, the fats will get accumulated and make us obese. Needless to say that obesity is the root cause of various harmful life-threatening diseases. This 1200 Calorie Punjabi Diet Plan for Weight Loss will help you in losing weight and reducing health risks.

Weight Loss Tips for Punjabis:

While you follow our 1200 Calorie Punjabi Diet Plan for Weight Loss. These tips will help you spend your day with positivity and support you in following the diet plan well.

  • Eat only when you are hungry:

1200 Calorie Punjabi Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Image :Copyright: samotrebizan / 123RF Stock Photo

If you've just had lunch, there is no reason for your mouth to water at the sight of Chhole bhature or pizzas when you go grocery shopping. Do not be tempted. Think about your stomach. It isn't a machine that can digest so much food together nor is it a dustbin in which you can throw all that you want! Plan your day in such a way that you are able to eat three main meals along with 1-2 snacks.

  • Eat only as much is required:

1200 Calorie Punjabi Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Image : samotrebizan / 123RF Stock Photospan>

If you're eating your favorite Dilli wali kulfi Or and ice cream sundae, do not be greedy. Eat only as much is required. If you are following this  1200 Calorie Punjabi Diet Plan for Weight Loss, One kulfi in a week is ok. But just because we are saying once a week doesn't mean that you eat three in one go. Similarly, if you're eating your favorite vegetable curry or butter chicken, don't eat as if it's your last day. Eat only as much is required to satisfy your hunger.

  • Limit social drinking and get- together

1200 Calorie Punjabi Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Image : Copyright: samotrebizan / 123RF Stock Photo

Social drinking is ok as long as you're not socializing every day and drink within limits. Too much alcohol also makes you fat and also affects the liver. A person doesn't realize how much and what he/she is eating at such parties. Drink moderately and pay attention to whatever you're eating. If you've already had too many snacks, maybe you can skip dinner.

READ – Alcohol and weight loss

  • Use less ghee while cooking

It is just not difficult to cook a good dish with less ghee so put it in a corner of your kitchen and use it less often. Try cooking food in olive oil or sesame oil. Just a tablespoon of oil is good enough so why let it float on top of your curry? You can even prepare paranthas with less ghee. Put them in an oven or electric tandoor and enjoy tandoori paranthas. They will be nice and red in no time and require less ghee. Eat your paranthas with curd and if you really want butter, take only a very small quantity of it.

  • Put some strain on your legs

1200 Calorie Punjabi Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Image :Copyright: dasha11 / 123RF Stock Photo

Most Punjabis just want a good body without doing anything. They will not give up on their eating habits and continue to eat fried foods and sugars and then crib that their weight is not decreasing! Well, you can't have both. You need to keep a check on what you eat and also put some strain on your legs. You must go for a walk and also exercise for some time every day to shed the extra kilos off your body. Jog, skip, dance, just do whatever you like but do get some action.

  • Drink lots of water

1200 Calorie Punjabi Diet Plan for Weight Loss

When you're thirsty, drink water. Tea, coffee, and colas can never quench your thirst. They make you feel even more thirsty and hungry too. Drink as much water as you can. Water will quench your thirst optimally and it makes you feel fuller so that you do not snack unnecessarily. Avoid aerated drinks, fruit juices, and cocktails since they will only give you calories. Have some fat-free buttermilk in summers.

  • No more chai pakora parties in the evening

Say goodbye to your fried snacks like samosas, tikkis, pakoras and the like. Stay away from mutthis, kachoris, and pooris. Drink green tea with a handful of assorted nuts. Not only are these fat-free, but they also contain lots of vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants. Eat a fruit in the evening or between meals.

  • Eat lots of salads

1200 Calorie Punjabi Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Proceed to your lunch and dinner with a big plate of salad. This will give you a lot of fiber which helps in digestion and it fills your tummy. After eating salad, you will not feel like having a lot of carbs.

  • Choose your carbs selectively

1200 Calorie Punjabi Diet Plan for Weight Loss

Pooris, bhaturas and naans will have to take a backseat. You should eat plain chapattis and paranthas with less fat.  Avoid white bread. Choose brown bread but don't eat bread too often. Have a healthy breakfast like poha or upma in place of bread rolls and bread pakoras.

  • Detox your body once in a while

Apart from following this 1200 Calorie Punjabi Diet Plan for Weight Loss, you need to Detoxify your body once in a while. It is very important to cleanse your body of all the toxins. You can consume some superfoods that can do the trick for you. Some examples of foods that help to detoxify the body are flax seeds, almonds, walnuts, tomatoes, spinach, carrots, and oranges. Just add some lemon juice to a glass of water and drink it in the morning.

Be true to yourself and follow our advice in order to keep fit and healthy.

1200 Calorie Punjabi Diet Plan for Weight Loss:

Food Item Amount Calories (kcal) Protein(g)
Early Morning
Lukewarm water with lemon 1 cup
Tea (without sugar) 1 cup 35
Marie biscuits 2 56
Methi and onion paratha without fat 2 medium 300 4
curd 1 bowl 30 1.5
Mung dal Chilla with spinach 2 150 12
Apple / Grapefruit 1 medium 40
Green split mun dal Khichdi with veggies 1 medium bowl 202.5 9.5
Onion raita 1 small bowl 75 3.5
Mix veg salad 1 bowl 30 2
Tea (without sugar) 1 cup 35 2
Wheat rusk 2 120 6
Missi roti (without oil) 2 200 6
Mix veg 1 medium bowl 95 4
Curd 1 small bowl 30 1.5
Total 1218 kcal 50.5 g

This 1200 Calorie Punjabi Diet Plan for Weight Loss is a sample plan . you can always include 2 egg white omelet with 2 slices toasted brown bread without butter for breakfast . or have 4-5 small chicken pieces in your brown rice or in gravy and eat with your phalka .

Alcohol is a big " NO"  for weight loss. This 1200 Calorie Punjabi Diet Plan for Weight Loss. Hope this diet helps you. Please feel free to leave your comments or questions or us to answer.

Punjabi Diet Plan for Weight Gain
